Wood-Eating Beetles Have Infested A Hat Shop

Wood-Eating Beetles Have Infested A Hat Shop

When it comes to insects that consume wood you can probably only think of termites. That is not surprising considering the damage caused by termites in the United States alone. However, termites are not the only wood-devouring insects. Surprisingly there is a type of...
Zoo Owner Has Contracted A Rare Illness

Zoo Owner Has Contracted A Rare Illness

We have all heard that spiders and insects are more afraid of us than we are of them. That might not be the case across the board, as some insects can transmit extremely rare, and deadly diseases that you have never heard of. Obviously, we all know that bugs will...
Zoo Owner Has Contracted A Rare Illness

The Efficacy Of A New Zika Control Method

During the 2016 year, reducing Zika infection rates was a top priority among scientists and researchers. During the early stages of the Zika outbreak, many researchers had developed promising methods of reducing Zika transmission rates. Some of these methods were put...